Monday 21 October 2013

Track Permission Letter

This track permission letter shows that we have covered all of the planning stages and written to the record label company and asked for track permission. Successfully, the company have got back to us AND have asked if the finish product could be sent to them for feedback. Myself and the rest of my group are VERY pleased with this and have decided to take their feedback on board.

Friday 18 October 2013

Talent Release Form

These talent release forms show that the people participating in our video are happy to be filmed and published. We have filled these out within our group for security purposes. All forms have been signed and dated.

Photo-shoot Plan

This is our photo-shoot plan. We have created this too help ourselves with when it comes too taking pictures of our artist for our CD cover.

Advertisment Design

Here are the designs we have thought of for the advertisements. We have created these too then take ideas from each others and create the final advert design. We had too think carefully about the style of the advertisements to see if they fit in with the genre of the music. Thinking about the target audience also came too mind as we wanted drum+bass fans to be drawn by our advertisements. As drum and bass is a niche audience of boys/men we decided that putting steryotypical boys colors and font would draw our target audience in more than pretty designs and girly colors. 

Tuesday 15 October 2013

CD Cover Ideas

These are the ideas our group have drawn out for our CD cover for the single. We have all decided too focus our idea based on an eye and mysterious aspects. We will now put all of our ideas into one and come up with a final idea as a group. We need to think carefully about the kind of mood we want too create with our CD cover and try and pursue this throughout. We had too think carefully about our target audience when creating these designs. For instance, we wanted the color scheme and designs too appeal for men/boys as we have already found out from our research that they are the target audience.

Shooting Schedule

This is our shooting schedule. We have decided that keeping too this will help when filming. This is because we have included on the sheet who needs too be at the session and what we need too bring. 

1) 'Leake street tunnel'- Here we will film the artist shots of Ollie performing
2) 'Stutton Building'- Here we will film the filler shots of Ollie in the background of me walking around
3) 'Leake street tunnel'- Here we will have shots of the artist performing in the tunnel
4) 'Artist performing'- Here we will have the artist performing filler shots of up close facial features ie- mouth singing. 
5) 'Abandon Building'- Here we will have the artist singing and filler shots of the girl walking around the building with the 'follower' following her
6) 'Walking around'- Here we will have the filler shots of myself (the girl) walking round; extreeme close ups of my feet
7)'Covent garden backstreets'- Here we will film the narrative of the 'follower' following the girl

Monday 14 October 2013

List of Costume and Props

Here is a short presentation informing you of the decisions we have made for our costumes and props.

Friday 11 October 2013


This is our Animatic for our storyboard. This Anamatic includes our music and then drawings of shots that we have done which will be in our video. We have put the shots in the right timing of what order they will be in. Using the music has helped too work out the length of the song and then realistically find out the amount of shots we will need. Creating this has helped us too focus on different ideas and get a better idea of what order our shots will be in. This will help when filming as we will be able too plan out each shots we need. 

Here is our group holding the Story board we have created. this has allowed us too develop our ideas and get a better understanding of what our shots will look like and where. We have written the timing of the shots and the type of shot. This allows us a more organized approach too filming and shooting.

Monday 7 October 2013

Location shots

Location 1- Abandoned building 1
We have decided too shoot inside an abandoned building that we have found out about on a website 'Derelict London'. We have chosen too film here as we feel that our music video will be completed with the sense of creepiness with a building included that is torn up and destroyed. We all feel as a group that the building will bring a tense and airy feel too the video due too the low key lighting, muted colours and open space. We have planned too film a majority of the shots in this building.

Location 2- Leake Street tunnel
Filming in this tunnel is going too create a huge impact within our video. The tunnel is full of graffiti and is most of the time empty and dark. This tunnel will give us an airy atmosphere too the video. We also feel that we could get interesting shots from one end of the tunnel too the other as it gets darker and darker as it goes on.

Location 3- Sutton garage park
This location will allow us too film shots of myself being followed by Jack and Ollie. This is due too being able too film round corners ad having long shots of me walking. We will also be able too shoot extreme close up's of my feet walking too show the pace is being picked up. We have all visited this location before and all feel that the pebbled pavement slabs will look creepy and help give the disturbing feel.

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Music Video Concept

This video includes the concept fou our music video. When it came too thinking about the concept of our video we created a spider diagram of the ideas our group had. We have included in this video different shot types, locations, costumes, editing techniques and key moments that we are sure too include within our video. Preparing this video will be helpful when we begin too shoot.