Monday 7 October 2013

Location shots

Location 1- Abandoned building 1
We have decided too shoot inside an abandoned building that we have found out about on a website 'Derelict London'. We have chosen too film here as we feel that our music video will be completed with the sense of creepiness with a building included that is torn up and destroyed. We all feel as a group that the building will bring a tense and airy feel too the video due too the low key lighting, muted colours and open space. We have planned too film a majority of the shots in this building.

Location 2- Leake Street tunnel
Filming in this tunnel is going too create a huge impact within our video. The tunnel is full of graffiti and is most of the time empty and dark. This tunnel will give us an airy atmosphere too the video. We also feel that we could get interesting shots from one end of the tunnel too the other as it gets darker and darker as it goes on.

Location 3- Sutton garage park
This location will allow us too film shots of myself being followed by Jack and Ollie. This is due too being able too film round corners ad having long shots of me walking. We will also be able too shoot extreme close up's of my feet walking too show the pace is being picked up. We have all visited this location before and all feel that the pebbled pavement slabs will look creepy and help give the disturbing feel.

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